ANZAC Event Proceedures
Status: #child
Tags: Boys Brigade Anzac
ANZAC Sunday & Dawn service
- Minimal commamds
- Mainly copying the fire brigade
Basic movements to be taught before ANZAC
2 - Areas/2.2Boys Brigade/BB Site/Drill In Australia/Australia Drill Manuel/Chapter 4#1. Basic Positions
2 - Areas/2.2Boys Brigade/BB Site/Drill In Australia/Australia Drill Manuel/Chapter 4#(a) Attention
Marching in correct formation
What happens on dawn service
- Arrive 5:30am, at boronia 7-Eleven (near RSL).
- 5:50 am, get into position on the left side of the road, behind fire brigade.
- 5:55 am, when fire brigade starts marching, the command "BOYS BRIGADE, ATTEN-TION", then "BOYS BRIGADE, FOR-WARD".
- Marching at a pace to follow the Fire brigade
- Automatically left wheel, up the driveway, no turning of the head, no command called
- When company leader is inline with flag pole, call "BOYS BRIGADE,—HALT"
- Command, "TURN TO THE RIGHT, RIGHT-TURN" needs to be called.
- Command, "STAND AT-EASE" needs to be called.
- Wait.
- Copy when fire brigade stands to attention, and when they stand at ease
- After Fire brigade has fallen out, remain fast.
- When they invite the crowed to lay poppies/go inside, the command "FALL-OUT" needs to be called.
- Remain outside for group BB photos to be taken
- Eat before coming
- Boys should wear extra shirts
What happens on Sunday service (Not fully complete)
- Arrive 1:30pm at boronia MacDonald (opposite of boronia Salvos)
- At 1:40pm Move to behind the formed marching ranks, in 2 files
- The march will start about 7-10 minutes before 2:00pm
- No ordering maccas
Risk assessment/Emergency Procedure
Boys Fainting at the halt
In the moment:
- An officer (designated safety officer) will immediately come to assistance of a boy who fainted.
- The boy should stay on the ground, while they recuperate.
- When boy regains strength, lift legs & bend knees, to provide circulation of blood.
- When safe, move boy to the side, away from squad.
- Let the boy sit down.
- Give the boy some water, and food(if possible).
- Teach boys to wriggle their feet when at Attention.
- Teach boys when at Attention avoid locking your knees.
Boys Getting Cold
In the moment:
- Stepping out and gets his jacket
- Instruct boys, while doing promotion for event to wear extra warm shirts (Long sleeve if possible)
- Boys need to bring a jacket, and wear the jacket all the way until just before the march
Boys With Incorrect or Damaged Uniform
In the moment:
- If noticeable, boy won't be permitted to march and must stay with parents/or with a seperate officer
- Teach boys correct uniform
- Check uniforms at least a week before