ANZAC Event Proceedures

Status: #child

Tags: Boys Brigade Anzac

ANZAC Sunday & Dawn service

- Minimal commamds
- Mainly copying the fire brigade

Basic movements to be taught before ANZAC

2 - Areas/2.2Boys Brigade/BB Site/Drill In Australia/Australia Drill Manuel/Chapter 4#1. Basic Positions

What happens on dawn service

  1. Arrive 5:30am, at boronia 7-Eleven (near RSL).
  2. 5:50 am, get into position on the left side of the road, behind fire brigade.
  3. 5:55 am, when fire brigade starts marching, the command "BOYS BRIGADE, ATTEN-TION", then "BOYS BRIGADE, FOR-WARD".
  4. Marching at a pace to follow the Fire brigade
  5. Automatically left wheel, up the driveway, no turning of the head, no command called
  6. When company leader is inline with flag pole, call "BOYS BRIGADE,—HALT"
  7. Command, "TURN TO THE RIGHT, RIGHT-TURN" needs to be called.
  8. Command, "STAND AT-EASE" needs to be called.
  9. Wait.
  10. Copy when fire brigade stands to attention, and when they stand at ease
  11. After Fire brigade has fallen out, remain fast.
  12. When they invite the crowed to lay poppies/go inside, the command "FALL-OUT" needs to be called.

What happens on Sunday service (Not fully complete)

  1. Arrive 1:30pm at boronia MacDonald (opposite of boronia Salvos)
  2. At 1:40pm Move to behind the formed marching ranks, in 2 files
  3. The march will start about 7-10 minutes before 2:00pm

Risk assessment/Emergency Procedure

Boys Fainting at the halt

In the moment:
  1. An officer (designated safety officer) will immediately come to assistance of a boy who fainted.
  2. The boy should stay on the ground, while they recuperate.
  3. When boy regains strength, lift legs & bend knees, to provide circulation of blood.
  4. When safe, move boy to the side, away from squad.
    • Let the boy sit down.
  5. Give the boy some water, and food(if possible).

Boys Getting Cold

In the moment:

Boys With Incorrect or Damaged Uniform

In the moment:

Boys Arriving Injured (Unable to march)